Senior Scenter


Welcome, animal lovers!  We are sending out an ‘SOS’, asking for help to ‘Save Our Seniors’! So many senior pets are dumped at shelters. Once well-loved family companions, they are now of no ‘use’ to their owners – too old, too feeble, or just too much trouble. In some cases, the owners have passed away, or are so ill they can no longer care for their beloved pets, and have no other choice than to give them up.  These sad, scared and sometimes hopeless dogs desperately need a soft place to fall, as well as expert, loving care for the remainder of their lives.  The Senior Scenter provides that place, and the love they deserve.  There is nothing more rewarding than making the last years of a dog’s life the best that they can be.

The founder of the Senior Scenter, Jeanne Strack, has maintained a deep conviction to rescuing animals her entire life.  The Senior Scenter is included within the non-profit Puppies Under Protection, Inc. rescue organization which was started by Jeanne in 1993.   All funds collected from this page will be dedicated to the Senior Scenter.

Along with her husband, Karl, they constructed the Senior Scenter themselves, with generous help from friends who believed in the Stracks’ rescue efforts.  The facility, a truly warm and loving home for these deserving older dogs, was officially opened on Nov. 7, 2014.  ‘Forever homes’ are always sought for these seniors, but for the most part, the Senior Scenter is their last ‘forever home’.

CENTER 4 Construction!!!!

CENTER 3 Inside The Senior Scenter


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